
Is Protein Deficiency Likely on a Vegan Diet? [Research]


The common depiction of a vegan is a scrawny, protein-deficient person who has no energy. It’s true that getting protein is harder on a vegan diet, especially in the amounts that athletes need, but is protein deficiency really a concern? This is a hard thing to measure, but we’ll look at a few long-term and large-scale studies that have looked at protein consumption in omnivores compared to...

The 6 Best Vegan Keto-Friendly Protein Powders


I’ve bought and tested about 40 vegan protein powders at this point. The ones specifically labelled “keto” typically suck. They have lots of fat and barely any protein, and often don’t even taste good (e.g. Vegan Pure Keto is not a good product). The better approach for someone on a vegan keto diet looking for protein, is to use a “normal” vegan protein powder that happens to be keto...

Zing Bar Vegan Protein Bar Review [Taste Test Results]


Where to buy: Walmart Zing makes a variety of bars, most of which (not all) are vegan. They claim to make “the healthiest nutrition bar” on their website, so I wanted to put the bars to the test. There’s 3 things that I look for in a protein bar: high amount of protein, good taste, and low cost. I’ve reviewed several bars at this point and rate them out of 10 for each of those things...

Nuzest Clean Lean Vegan Protein Powder Review [Detailed Test]


Flavors: Several, including unflavored, vanilla, chocolate, coffee Nuzest was the 23rd vegan protein powder that I tested on my quest to find the best tasting vegan protein powder. I can sum up Nuzest’s protein powder really easily: It would be THE best overall, except that it’s very expensive. If money isn’t a factor for you, then it’s probably the best option you’ll find. Otherwise...

Best Vegan Protein Powder in Canada in 2024: (I Tested 17)


I started looking for the best vegan protein powder over a year ago by buying and testing as many as I could find. I wanted to find a plant-based protein powder that was a complete protein, tasted good, and was reasonably priced. I live in Toronto, and quickly found out that many popular vegan protein powders cost a ton to ship here from the U.S., so this page only focuses on ones that are easy...

The 4 Best Vegan L-Glutamine Supplements For Your Gut


Refresher: Glutamine is a “conditionally essential amino acid” – your body can’t produce enough of it in times of stress or illness (1) L-Glutamine is the useful form for our bodies, which is the form found in foods and made by our bodies The best food sources of glutamine are mainly animal products like eggs, beef, and milk, although some plant sources like tofu are also good (2) Research...

The GFB (Gluten Free Bar) Protein Bar Review [Data-Based]


Where to buy: Amazon, Whole Foods The GFB gluten free bar (confusing name and packaging) is fairly easy to find, and a bar that I wanted to include in my vegan protein bar testing. There aren’t too many great gluten-free vegan sources of protein, so bars and protein shakes can really help. The bar happens to be vegan, gluten-free, and soy-free. I’m testing as many vegan bars as I can...

High Protein Vegan Banana Bread [Protein Powder + Almond Flour]


Jump to recipe Banana bread is typically more or less all carbohydrates. While this might not be “high protein” in the absolute sense, this gluten free recipe is about as high protein as you can get banana bread to be while still tasting good. Remember that banana bread should be considered a “treat”, so it’s not something you should make every day or even week...

6 Myths About Protein on a Vegan Diet – Debunked


Growing up like most kids, I thought that vegans were frail and physically weak people that couldn’t even play sports because they couldn’t get enough protein from their diet. I continued believing things along those lines for a long time before I re-examined them. Years later after becoming vegan, it seems ridiculous that I ever believed some of these myths, and yet I see them persist in others...

Are Vegan Protein Powders Safe to Drink Regularly?


For vegan athletes, it can be hard to get enough protein from whole foods. Foods like seitan and protein powder can be a convenient and effective way to hit protein targets. It’s reasonable to ask whether or not it’s safe or healthy to consume a processed food like protein powder on a regular basis. Let’s look at potential safety issues together. Are Heavy Metals in Vegan Protein Powder...