
Does Soy Sauce Cause Heartburn or Acid Reflux?


One of the several causes of heartburn is eating acidic foods. Since soy sauce is an acidic food, with a pH usually ranging from 4.5-5.5, soy sauce can cause heartburn in some people. If you’d like to understand why soy sauce affects acid reflux and possibly how to prevent it, read on. Acid Reflux 101 Acid reflux is typically used interchangeably with heartburn. It happens when...

Is Peanut Butter Low FODMAP? (These Brands Are…)


Peanut butter that is not sweetened with high fructose corn syrup is usually considered low FODMAP. And while there is a small amount of naturally occurring fructose in peanuts, it’s only an issue for most when eaten in large amounts. While there’s still a lot to learn about FODMAPs, I’ll summarize the findings of a few recent studies on peanuts and peanut butter for you in this short post. If...

Coconut Milk vs Almond Milk: (Nutrition, Taste, Environment)


Coconut milk and almond milk are two of the most popular non-dairy types of milks that have more recently become popular. They’re great alternatives to dairy for vegans, environmentalists, or just people looking to eat a bit healthier. There are many types of coconut milk (canned, boxed, carton), which can have drastically different taste, texture, and nutrition. To make a fair comparison, we’ll...