CategoryProtein in Diet

The 11 Best Vegan TVP Recipes (High Protein)


Textured vegetable protein (TVP) is made from soybean flour. While it’s a processed food, TVP is pretty healthy, and is a great addition to a vegan diet to get a little more variety in protein sources. The popularity of TVP has only started to rise recently, so most people aren’t exactly sure what to eat it with yet. This page should help you with that. Which Recipes is TVP Best In? TVP has...

10 Amazing Vegan Pea Protein Recipes + Tips


If you’re new to cooking with pea protein, see my guide to baking with vegan protein powder. I’ve collected some of my favorite recipes that require plant-based protein powder. Pea protein is the best option due to its texture and relatively neutral flavor. The most important thing is to use a pea protein powder that you think tastes good, as a bad one can ruin just about any recipe...

The Best Gluten-Free Vegan Protein Sources (Complete Guide)


Whether you’re just a bit gluten intolerant, or you have Celiac disease, getting enough protein on a vegan gluten-free diet requires a bit more planning. The good news is that a lot of the best vegan protein sources are still gluten-free, you’ll just need to prioritize whole foods versus pre-made meat substitutes. We’ll look at the most common foods with gluten, and then go over...

The 40 Best Vegan Paleo Protein Sources [Table]


Key takeaways: The best vegan paleo sources of protein if you’re trying to get a decent amount of calories at the same time are seeds and nuts. In particular, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, and flax seeds are highest in protein. Seaweed is also very high in protein per gram, but it’s hard and expensive to eat a lot of seaweed. Paleo protein powders are essentially necessary for vegans on...

High Protein Milk Alternatives: Which Plant-Based Milk Has Most?


Growing up, milk was the one drink often recommended as a post-workout drink because it had a good amount of protein. The good news for vegans is that some plant milks have a similar amount of protein to dairy milk. We’ll compare the protein content in the most common plant-based milks, as well as the other macronutrients and environmental impact in this post. Protein in Plant-Based Milks...

Cinnamon Vegan Protein Balls [No Bake + Gluten Free]


There aren’t many good high protein vegan snacks, but protein balls are among my favorites to make. They are easy to make, you just toss some ingredients in a bowl and mix them together. And they’re also perfect if you’re looking for gluten-free vegan protein foods. This particular recipe is one that I’ve developed after trying and modifying other recipes that didn’t...

Is Protein Deficiency Likely on a Vegan Diet? [Research]


The common depiction of a vegan is a scrawny, protein-deficient person who has no energy. It’s true that getting protein is harder on a vegan diet, especially in the amounts that athletes need, but is protein deficiency really a concern? This is a hard thing to measure, but we’ll look at a few long-term and large-scale studies that have looked at protein consumption in omnivores compared to...

High Protein Vegan Banana Bread [Protein Powder + Almond Flour]


Jump to recipe Banana bread is typically more or less all carbohydrates. While this might not be “high protein” in the absolute sense, this gluten free recipe is about as high protein as you can get banana bread to be while still tasting good. Remember that banana bread should be considered a “treat”, so it’s not something you should make every day or even week...

6 Myths About Protein on a Vegan Diet – Debunked


Growing up like most kids, I thought that vegans were frail and physically weak people that couldn’t even play sports because they couldn’t get enough protein from their diet. I continued believing things along those lines for a long time before I re-examined them. Years later after becoming vegan, it seems ridiculous that I ever believed some of these myths, and yet I see them persist in others...

Low Carb Vegan Protein Powder Pancakes [Keto-Friendly]


Jump to recipe We love creating low carb recipes that are plant based and full of flavor. These vegan protein powder pancakes are no exception! This recipe is the perfect way to have your favorite breakfast food without feeling like you’re slipping on your health and nutrition goals. It’s nice to rely on protein powder sometimes since there’s a limited number of good vegan...