CategoryPackaged foods

Which Kashi Cereals Are Vegan? Here’s the Full List…


Kashi makes several cereals, and the majority (but not all) of them are vegan. To save you time, I’ve gone through the full ingredient lists and noted anything that a vegan might want to be aware of. We’ll go through each flavor and look at if it’s vegan or not. Typical Ingredients in Kashi Cereals For the most part, Kashi cereals have very few ingredients. For example, the Cinnamon...

Are Nature Valley Granola Bars Vegan? (Complete List)


Anything “natural” typically has a good chance of being vegan. Some Nature Valley granola bars are clearly not vegan, but some might be depending on how strict your definition of veganism is. I’ll go over the potential problem ingredients in each flavor of the popular “crunchy” bar line, and you can decide for yourself. Non-Vegan Ingredients in Nature Valley Granola Bars Before we get...

Vegan Luna Bars: Find Out Which Flavors Are Vegan


Luna bars are vegan, but all contain palm oil. However, Luna protein bars are not vegan as they contain whey. Luna bars are made by the same manufacturer of Clif Bars (and many Clif Bars are also vegan). While no Luna bar is certified vegan, certain flavors may be vegan (I’ll explain why shortly). Note that cross-contamination can occur, which is why all wrappers state: May contain peanuts, tree...

Are belVita Breakfast Biscuits Vegan?


Many biscuit and cracker-type packaged foods accidentally happen to be vegan. I went through the ingredients of each belVita product and flavor to figure out if they’re vegan-friendly or not. And good news, most of them appear to be vegan friendly. Ingredients in belVita Biscuits to Look For In order for everything to make sense in this post, you’ll need to understand a few grey areas...

Are All Ramen Noodles Vegan?


Most ramen noodles are vegan, but not all of them. Certain instant noodle brands like Maruchan contain egg whites in the noodles. Additionally, the seasoning ingredients usually contain animal products, so instant ramen as a whole isn’t usually vegan. However, there are some exceptions. Non Vegan Ingredients in Instant Ramen Noodles Ramen noodles can be made with just flour and water in theory...

Vegan Cracker Brands: The Complete List


The most basic crackers consist of wheat, water, and salt. They’re not that hard to make from scratch if you like baking. Otherwise, many cracker brands happen to be vegan, or at least have a few vegan flavors. This page has every vegan cracker brand that I’ve come across, I’ll add more in the future as I find them. Non-Vegan Cracker Ingredients to Look Out For If you’re in a store looking...

Can You Eat Beyond Meat Raw or Undercooked? (Burger, etc)


Yes, you can eat Beyond Meat raw, but you shouldn’t. Even though there’s no meat in it, Beyond Meat specifically says that you should not eat Beyond Meat raw to be as safe as possible. Raw Beyond Meat will taste gross, won’t digest as easily, and there’s a small chance of it having bacteria or something that could make you sick. Undercooked is a different story. When properly...

Is Top Ramen Vegan? (Some Flavors MIGHT Be)


Vegan ramen is out there, but it can be hard to find. There are currently 6 flavors of Top Ramen noodle soup. Some are clearly not vegan: chicken flavored, beef, shrimp, and hot & spicy beef. But two are not as obvious: the soy sauce flavor and chili flavors. Side note: See my post on are ramen noodles vegan for other brands. Is Top Ramen Soy Sauce (Oriental) Vegan? Top...

Are Mentos Vegan? (Mints & Gum)


Verdict: Most Mentos products are not vegan.. Summary: Some flavors of Mentos gum have gelatine (never vegan). Some flavors of Mentos mints have beeswax (not vegan). Mentos Hard Mints do appear to be vegan friendly. I’ve seen a lot of claims that Mentos gums and mints are vegan, and also some that say they aren’t. Very few had anything to back them up, and the ones that did were from nearly 10...

Smart Balance Vs. Earth Balance: Ingredients and Nutrition


Smart Balance and Earth Balance are arguably the 2 most popular non-dairy “butter” spreads. They’re sold in most stores, so it makes sense that people on a plant-based or vegan diet would be interested in them. I’ve created a side-by-side comparison to show you the main differences between Smart Balance and Earth Balance. They’re quite similar, but there are some small differences...